Disc 1 (Porcupine Tree):
01.anesthetize - live film 17:15
02.blackest eyes 4:27
03.fear of a blank planet 4:56
04.halo - live film 5:54
05.lazarus 3:56
06.mother & child divideo - live film 4:57
07.norma l 3:51
08.piano lessons 3:26
09.sleep together - live film 7:28
10.start of something beautiful - live film 7:10
11.strip the soul 3:42
12.way out of here 3:37
13.wedding nails 6:37
Disc 2:
01.all sweet things (no-man) 7:04
02.blackfield(blackfield) 4:02
03.harmony korine (steven wilson) 4:58
04.hello(blackfield) 3:14
05.pain(blackfield) 3:59
06.things i want to tell you(no-man) 8:56
07.truenorth(no-man) 4:42
08.wherever there is light(no-man) 4:43
Porcupine Tree - The Incident DVD oli igati mõnus kuulamine aga bändi ülejäänud videote vaatamine paras tüütus. Klipid ise olid küll kõik kenad ja silmale sõbralikud, kuid need lood, need olid nii igavad heegeldused, et kadus igasugune isu bändiga rohkem tutvust teha. Pehmo-rock, kenad ballaadid ja tillutamised, ühesõnaga ilus muusika jobukõrvadele. Disc 2, kus peal Steven Wilson´i muud projektid, oli veelgi seebisem ila.
Where can this be purchased from? Is it an official release?? I've looked around but no luck. Thx for your time.
Sent you message in FaceBook.
I wanna buy this Dvd, the original, how can i do??
i've been searching but i can't find it.
Please help me...
The is no retail DVD, only bootleg. And I dont know where you can buy it.
rutracker.org is where you will find it. Kind of the Russian Pirate Bay...
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