Mis sul viga on Harmony Korine? Su filmis on karakter, keda mängib James Franco, aga ometigi peaks seda tegema Riff Ruff, sest see on 100% kirjutatud just Riff Ruffi jaoks, sisaldades isegi sarnaseid aluloolisi kokkulangevusi. Ma loodan, et Korine ikka küsis Riff Ruff´i sinna rolli ja see langes viimase vastuseisu tõttu ära, sest vastasel juhul hakkan Korine´i lauslolliks pidama. Siis ma olen ikka üsna löödud selle rollivaliku möödapanemise tõttu. Vaatasin enne kirjutama hakkamist pea tund aega Riff Ruff´i videosid ja intervjuusid YouTube´ist ja kasvatasin austust selle armsa segopea vastu veelgi. Selle segopea, keda võiks ühteaegu pidada armsaks ullikeseks ja samas ülipeene stiilitundlikusega kavalaks manipuleerijaks.

Ohoh! Internet andis vastuseid:
"On February 15, 2012 film director Harmony Korine contacted Riff Raff about appearing in an upcoming movie of his which would turn out to be Spring Breakers. Once the details of the movie came out, there was speculation that the main character Alien was based on Riff Raff.[33] However according to James Franco, his character was based on the underground rap artist Dangeruss. He said "Of course Harmony and I looked at some of Riff Raff's videos as inspiration, but he was one of a number of people we looked at. I would say the biggest influence on the role was this local Florida rapper named Dangeruss. He's fairly unknown, but he was down there in the place, living the life, and he became the biggest model for me, and he's in the movie." After much back and forth between both camps about the issue, during July 2013 Riff Raff announced he was suing the creators of Spring Breakers for 10 million dollars for sampling his life without his permission or a proper producer credit."