Friday, May 27, 2011

Napalm Death - The DVD

Napalm Death - The DVD 2001

Promo Clips

01. Mass Appeal Madness
02. The World Keeps Turning
03. Suffer the Children
04. Plague Rages
05. Breed to Breathe
06. Greed Killing

Live at Salisbury Arts Centre, June 30th 1990

01. Control
02. Walls of Confinement
03. Unchallenged Hate
04. Life?
05. The Kill
06. Scum
07. If the Truth be Known
08. Lucid Fairytale
09. Malicious Intent
10. Social Sterility
11. Suffer the Children
12. From Enslavement to Obliteration
13. Dead
14. Practice What You Preach
15. Mentally Murdered
16. Extremity Retained
17. Mindsnare
18. Success?
19. Rise Above
20. Instinct of Survival
21. Siege of Power
22. You Suffer
23. Deceiver

Live at Nottingham Rock City, November 14th 1989

01. Rise Above
02. Life?
03. The Kill
04. Walls of Confinement
05. Deceiver
06. You Suffer
07. Siege of Power
08. M.A.D.
09. Retreat to Nowhere
10. Scum
11. From Enslavement to Obliteration
12. The Missing Link
13. Negative Approach
14. Mentally Murdered
15. Human Garbage
16. Stigmatized
17. Control
18. Success?
19. Social Sterility
20. Instinct of Survival
21. Dead
22. Practice What You Preach
23. Unchallenged Hate
24. Siege of Power
25. You Suffer
25. Dead
26. Deceiver

BBC TV footage featuring Bill Steer (pre-CARCASS) and Lee Dorrian (pre-CATHEDRAL), taken from the Arena TV show, dated April 17th, 1989 at the Kilburn National:

01. Scum
02. You Suffer

Minule sobivalt üles ehitatud sisu, ehk siis kohe alguses näidati need paar puruigavat ballaadlikku pikka ja vedelkaeblevat Napalm Death´i videot ära, siis mindi konsadele üle, kusjuures alul pikiti veel intervjuukatkeid sisse ning kuna liiguti ajas tahapoole, lõpetati mulle ülimeeldivalt iidse live´iga kus kõlapildis rohkem hardcoret kui metalit. Algus igav, siis veits põnevam, siis juba päris äge ja lõpuks lüüakse rusikaga, köetakse nii, et nahk märg ja valatakse keevat viha mikrofoni sisse. Tuld!

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