Monday, April 25, 2011

Filmiküsitlus - Jim Mickle

Ise ei ole jõudnud veel mingit arvamust kujundada, kuid kamraad Paranoiadisko jaoks on Stake Land Haapsalu Õudus- ja Fantaasiafilmide Festivali oodatuim film. Eks lähen ja panen festaril ise samuti silma peale, usaldusväärsete soovitajate viiteid tuleb alati tähele panna, eriti veel kui mehe varasem töö Mulberry Street mulle väga meeldis. Filmiootuses uurisin aga milliseid filme ja bände fännab Stake Land´i lavastaja Jim Mickle.

Nimi : Jim Mickle
IMDb : Jim Mickle
Koduleht : Jim Mickle

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever?  What movies have impressed you deeply?

I fell in love with movies through the horror genre. Gore and special FX were my first love. As I grew up, my interests spread out from there to every genre and type of film, but scary movies are still my favorite. John Carpenter's THE THING is probably my favorite. I grew up idolizing Sam Raimi and David Lynch, and I've always loved the handmade energy of Robert Rodriguez's filmmaking. LA HAINE was a big influence as well as BLOOD SIMPLE, BLUE VELVET, DELIVERANCE. The list goes on and on.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

I really loved MONSTERS. I saw it a while back but it's stuck with me the most of anything I've seen in the past year. I like when I can feel a movie and when the filmmaking and the story all feed off each other so well.

3. What kind of music/bands have you listened lately and feel happy to suggest?

I love THE NATIONAL. I love DEER TICK. I love NEKO CASE. I love THE WALKMEN. I really like dark, raw country stuff. THE FLYING BURRITO BROTHERS are an old classic. The best album on earth is Arthur Lee and Love's FOREVER CHANGES.

Thank you Jim!
Kaader filmist La Haine.

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