Friday, April 16, 2010

Filmiküsitlus - Todd Brown

HÕFF-i eri.

Ise ma olen harv netiarvustuste ja filmiuudiste lugeja aga Twitch´ist ei saa ikka kuidagi ümber ega üle, aeg ajalt pilte või infokilde otsides satud googlimasina abil paratamatult sellele lehele. Aga piisavalt harva, sest nimi Todd Brown ei ütelnud mulle enne midagi kui sinna ette või lõppu ei oldud lisatud, et mees on Twitchi pomo ning külaliseks selle aastasel Haapsalu Õudus- ja Fantaasiafilmide Festival´il. Eks me siis järgmine nädal näeme, teeme tutvust, joome mõned õlled ja räägime mõnusatest Kanada filmidest.

Name: Todd Brown
Homepage: Twitch

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies
have impressed you deeply?

Without a doubt the movie that made the biggest impact on me was Terry Gilliam’s Brazil. That film literally changed how I understood what film could be and what the medium was capable of. I’ve seen it over and over again now and I still find new things every time I watch it. Blade Runner is also a really key film for me. Beyond that stuff, though, I really grew up on 80’s fantasy and scifi and bad action movies. I had a good friend in my grade school days who also loved movies and when the video boom really hit we would rent huge stacks of movies according to some made up theme. Like action films starring professional athletes. This is why I have seen every Brian Bosworth movie. In sequential order. They’re better than you might think.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

Kick-Ass. Most purely entertaining film of the year BY FAR, surprisingly well made, loaded with great performances, and shockingly heartfelt. I wrote a review of it today, actually, where I said I think it’s the best superhero film ever made. And I totally believe that. It’s going to stand up really well over time.

3. What artists/performers have impressed you lately or who are your favourite

Oh, bands is a big question ... I’m a big time music geek. The Cure’s Disintigration was the record that really started everything for me. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of The Black Angels and a Canadian band called Wintersleep. The last records I bought were Jonsi from Sigur Ros’ solo record, Titus Andronicus, Serena Maneesh and another Canadian band I love called The Besnard Lakes. Their new disc is incredible.

4. What kind of music have you listened to lately or feel happy to suggest?

I guess that’s kind of the same as above ... I have music on constantly while I work and that’s a lot of my current playlist. Last band I saw live were Efterklang. They were pretty great. Before that were The Retribution Gospel Choir, who were amazing and played in a tiny room to about fifty people. That was fantastic.

Tänan Todd!
Kaader filmist Brazil.


  1. Ma pole vaatamata Metsapässi ja Rene13 ponnistustele ikka veel seda neetud Brazil'i näinud, no ei töötand need kettad mida mehed mulle tegid...
    Keegi võiks mind piinlikust olukorrast päästa ja mulle vaadatava ketta Braziliga meisterdada. Võlgu juba ei jää...

  2. Minul ei ole. Küll aga nägin kunagi film i kinos ja püsti seistes. Päris kaua tuli seista kuni lõputiitrid vastu tulid. :)
