Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nirvana - With The Lights Out

"Love Buzz" (1988 rehearsal)
"Scoff" (1988 rehearsal)
"About a Girl" (1988 rehearsal)
"Big Long Now" (1988 rehearsal)
"Immigrant Song" (1988 rehearsal)
"Spank Thru" (1988 rehearsal)
"Hairspray Queen" (1988 rehearsal)
"School" (1988 rehearsal)
"Mr. Moustache" (1988 rehearsal)
"Big Cheese" (1989)
"In Bloom" (music video, 1989)
"Sappy" (1990)
"School" (1990)
"Love Buzz" (1990)
"Pennyroyal Tea" (1991)
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" (1991)
"Territorial Pissings" (1991)
"Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam" (1991)
"Talk to Me" (1992)
"Seasons in the Sun" (1993)

Ega need bändi prooviruumivideod ja esimesed kontsertlõigud just millegi harukordsega hiilanud aga Nirvana on bänd mis rokib, ning nende loominguga tuleb tutvuda iga nurga alt. Ka amatöörsalvestiste kaudu.

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