Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Filmiküsitlus - Thomaz

Thomazega sain tuttavaks umbes 15 aastat tagasi laeval naastes Stockholmi reisilt. Vaatasin, et üks tüüp näeb skinheadi moodi välja, paar õlle oli mul juba sees ning istusingi lauda, ulatasin terekäe. Napsutasime siis poole ööni - mina, mu vend, Thomaz ja tema sõber. Hommikul Tallinnas aga hittisime joomakohti ja kuigi külalised tahtsid igavate turistidena käitudes vaatamisväärsustega tutvuda, vedasin mina neid aga poolvägisi baaridesse ja kõrtsudesse. Õhtul viis laev neid Rootsimaale tagasi, mina aga tuikusin... arvatavasti Levikasse. Igal juhul tutvus sai loodud ja aastaid olime Thomazega kirjavahetuses, nüüd moodsal ajal suhtleme loomulikult neti kaudu. Ja juba aastaid on artist mind pinninud, et otsiksin ta jaoks Tallinnas esinemiskohta, aga kuna minu puhul ei ole tegu promootorina, siis leidsin ainsa võimalusena kutsuda ta esinema oma sünnipäevapeole Krahli. Jään mehe etteastet ootama, sest aastad on teinud töö ning tema kunagi naiivse ning veidrana tunduv muusika on tänapäeval kuum hipsterkraam, he he!

Name: Thomaz
Artist name: Thomaz
Homepage: Thomaz
Facebook : Official Thomaz music appreciation society
MySpace: Thomaz
YouTube: Thomaz

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies have impressed you deeply?

I prefer emotional films where the viewer also needs to think for themselves. Films that challenges the viewers mind, or provokes new thoughts to arise. I love John Waters challenging movies that pushes boundaries.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?
The Dutch film "De nieuwe wildernis", about re-storing nature that was once ruined by us humans. It is very touching, sad and beautiful.

3. What kind of music/bands have you listened lately and feel happy to suggest?

I listen mostly to music from the past (before 1990). There is a reason there is lots of 60s influences in my melodies. I cannot stand listening to any music with autotuned singing, it hurts my ears! Its truly horrible to listen to. I prefer real voices that may not be perfect, but are emotional, shaking, trembling, struggeling, forceful and real. Thats perfect to me.
Often other singers voices sing for me, they express my feelings. I have often been emotionally moved by for example the voices of Nina Hagen, Diamanda Galás, Jennifer Rush, Yoko Ono, Marc Almond, Toni Childs, Dalbello, Sinéad O´connor, Lee Hazlewood and Suzzie Tapper. Those all have very expressful voices, unusual voices that express feeling more than anything.
Another thing I also like to use a lot in my serious songs is gallows humor. There really isnt much humor in todays songs, and I want to bring that back - either by twists in the lyrics or by my appearance on stage. To bring in a glimpse of light, or of absurdity, into the darkest of feelings.
If one listens to my lyrics - which are all moving around gloomy emotions - theres a bit of humor hidden here and there. Listen to songs such as "A Happy Day" or "Youre In Love With Me", in which this is quite obvious.
I like strong melodies and theatrical appearances made by small means. Sometimes a theatrical movement by a hand is so much more effective than a smoke bomb! Sometimes a glimpse in the eye is so much more effective than the flashiest of strobe lights!
I also try to perform a song in Swedish, my first language, whereever I go. So far I have sung in Great Britain, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands and Argentina. Those songs often seem to touch people, eventhough they cannot understand the words! Its interesting how the language of music can pass language-borders without any problems. Music is a language we all share.
I very much look forward to perform in Estonia for the first time, and to meet the Tallinn audience,
and also to experience the other acts. I am sure it will be a night to remember!

Thank you Thomaz!

Kaader filmist De nieuwe wildernis.

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