Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Filmiküsitlus - Mikhail Brashinsky

Haapsalu Õudus- ja Fantaasiafilmide festival ei ole enam kaugel, kõigest neli nädalat veel kannatada vaja ja juba siis on võimalik Haapsalu linnas õlle lonksata, viina visata, speedi süstida, heroiini suitsetada, hapet lutsutada, pizzat süüa ning sõpradega lobiseda. Nõrgema närvikavaga kartlikumad inimesed muidugi poevad hävitava pidutsemise eest kohaliku kultuurikeskuse kaitsvate seinte vahele pakku ning peidavad ennast seal saalidesse, püüdes filmide vaatamisega aega surnuks lüüa seni kuni barbarite hordid on linnaruumi ja isikliku tervise rüüstamise hävitamisega ühele poole saanud. Üks film mida pehmod sel ajal vaadata võivad on Shopping Tour ning selle lavastas Mikhail Brashinsky.

Name: Mikhail Brashinsky
IMDb: Mikhail Brashinsky
Homepage: Shopping Tour

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies have impressed you deeply? 

All movies of all kinds that I ever saw and continue to see influence me all the time. Some show you how to make movies. Some show you how not to. It's all equally important. But if you want the three most important movies of my life, they would be Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock, Sunset Boulevard by Billy Wilder, and American Friend by Wim Wenders. The most important director of all time i consider Billy Wilder.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

I liked Looper. I liked The Separation of Nader and Simin. And the Belgian The Bullhead. These are the three movies that impressed me most lately.

3. What kind of music/bands have you listened lately and feel happy to suggest?

I never tire of listening to David Bowie. The Man Who Sold the World - is there anything better that anyone had ever written and sung? I like Belle & Sebastian a lot. Of the more recent ones, Arcade Fire. Of the Russian ones, I've discovered Zimavsegda, and they are part of the soundtrack of my film. But no one beats Nina Simone. Sorry, I'm an old fart.

Thank you  Mikhail!

Kaader filmist American Friend.

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