Monday, April 01, 2013

Filmiküsitlus - Chad Fjerstad Chiildren´ist

Mõnikord seda ikka juhtub, et klõpsan kellegi poolt kugugi lingitud videole ja siis peale paari minutit vajub karp lahti, et mida? mida?, mõni välismaa bänd oskab samuti sellist mussi teha, mis minus mõnuvärinaid üle keha ringi kandma hakkab. Muusika on nende puhul minu jaoks tähtsaim, kuid esmatutvus tuli kahe suurepärase video, "Girl in the Dirt" ja "My God", kaudu. Mõlemad videod on tugeva horror taustaga, kusjuures esimene neist väheke petlik, pakkudes esmalt visuaalset tausta, mis pigem sobiks mõnele haibitud sitale melodeath´i bändile kui kõnealuse grupi helide taustaks, kuid kannatage vaid see nukuliku kätetu tüdruku "trummitagumine" välja ning peagi selgub, et Chiildren ei püüa pakkuda populaarset stiliseeritust, vaid tüürib hoopis underground ja indiefilmi õõva poole. Teine video "My God" on selles mõttes juba meistriteos, siin mitte vaid ei kuma läbi sõltumatu õuduskino pildikeel, vaid hästi oli suudetud luua pea oma maailm ja tegelased. Kui "Girl in the Dirt" oli veel muusikavideo, siis "My God" on juba isikliku atmosfääriga lühifilm ja selline päris kõhe, isegi kerge müstilise alatooniga.

Name: Chad Fjerstad
Band: Chiildren
Homepage: Chiildren
Soundcloud: Chiildren
Facebook: Chiildren
Bandcamp: Chiildren - The Other People
Twitter: Chiildren

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies have impressed you deeply?

I am drawn to films that give us a taste of insanity from the eyes of the insane. Some of my favorites of all time include Altered States, Possession (1981), Repulsion, The Tenant, and Jacob's Ladder. All five of these are, in my opinion, visual masterpieces that do a remarkable job with their intended sense of claustrophobia.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

Spring Breakers. Harmony Korine is a genius and one of the most exciting filmmakers who is likely still just reaching his full potential. I've seen that movie 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Like he explained the film in interviews, the whole movie plays out like one brilliantly composed 100 minute long electronic song. I just want to experience it over and over again.

3. What kind of music/bands have you listened lately and feel happy to suggest?

YOUTH CODE is a brand new L.A.-based duo who have only released a demo cassette thus far. They play hard-hitting EBM with a punk/metallic edge. They have the energy of a hardcore band when you see them live. It's extremely refreshing. They are currently working on their debut full length - I'm more stoked about them than any other band right now.

Other than that, I've mostly just been jamming a lot of Trust, D.A.F., KMFDM, Skinny Puppy.... Riz Ortolani's score to Cannibal Holocaust, and //TENSE// - check out //TENSE//

Thank you Chad!

Kaader filmist Altered States.

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