Monday, September 10, 2012

Shirubi Ikazuchi - Wandarian

Shirubi Ikazuchi - Wandarian
Shirubi Ikazuchi 2012

1. Unicoral
2. Jarre the Bounti Hunter
3. The Tread
4. Prince Green
5. Silverskin
6. Dancers in the Dark
7. Wandrian
8. Cold

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Wandarian kannab EP märgistust, aga lugusid on piisavalt isegi albumi jaoks. Mina oleksin külma kõhuga jätnud 4 träkki välja, lükanud need sinna "Oldies & Unreleased" folderisse, sest otseselt ei anna pooled lood midagi juurde. On olemas Jarre the Bounti Hunter, Silverskin, Unicoral ja nimilugu ning sellest oleks minu arvates täiesti piisanud, sest ülejäänud träkid peegeldavad neid samu lugusid ning lõpptulemusena venitavad muusikakuulamise kogemust, muudavad üldpildi ähmasemaks ja muljet laialivalgunumaks. Nelja looga EP, jah tänan! Kaheksa träkki - poole igavam.


  1. Ära haibi seda mõttetut saasta üles. Noored kes sul taga käivad hakkavad mõtlema et selline ongi hea muss.

  2. Kui seal taga üldse kedagi leiab, siis vast inimese kes mõtleb ise mis on tema jaoks hea muss ja mis mitte. Minu jaoks on Shirubil mitmeid häid lugusid ja ka käesoleval netireliisil võib paar leida.

  3. See ongi ju mõnus muss

  4. Mõnus muss on mõnus muss ja mõnus, et see on mõnus!

  5. I think that all of the 8 songs are just great,"Wandrian" is not sounds better or worser than previous "Warsoul",it's just different.Maybe even just much less mainstream-oriented,than previous record was.Every song is very individual,and the whole album is not boring at all.Dark,maybe depressive a little bit (btw Cold is really sad song:)-),but that's just mood,concept,so why not?I can compare this EP with Depeche Mode's "Black Celebration" album which is really dark and depressive,and has only two potential hits for the masses,what was kinda surprise for most of early DM fans,because previous records was absolutely in different key,much more mainstream and positive.So i'm very happy to see (hear)that Shirubi Ikazuchi's growth and evolution process is not depends from "what people will say",and remains independent,even though maybe they've lost a large number of listeners with that EP.Brilliant record,true masterpiece,in my mp3 player since the day the album was released.5+!
