Sunday, June 10, 2012

Filmiküsitlus - Alex Chandon

Öeldakse, et parem hilja kui mitte kunagi ja nii avaldan ma režissöör Alex Chandon´i vastused mu filmiküsitluse sarja jaoks. Mees lihtsalt kurtis, et produtsendid midagi ei räägi ja tema midagi ei tea ja üleüldiselt magas maga, et ta film HÕFF´il linastus ning ta pidi festari ning oma linaloo "Inbred" reklaamimiseks vastused juba paar kuud tagasi ära saatma. Utsitasin siis takka, et vastaku ikka, mis sellest, et aeg juba möödas, sest nagu öeldakse - parem hilja kui mitte kunagi.

Nimi: Alex Chandon
IMDb: Alex Chandon
Koduleht: Alex Chandon
Wiki: Alex Chandon

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies have impressed you deeply? 

I love so many films and so many types of films... like Horror (of course) , Fantasy, Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Comedy and Documentaries... from all countries. I'm a broad fan of the film genre and like so much of it. Because I have been so busy filming INBRED I am less familiar with recent films and have a huge list of films I have to see from the last two years alone. My favourite films that have also inspired me and continue to inspire me are JAWS, EVIL DEAD 1 & 2, BRAINDEAD, RE-ANIMATOR, DAWN OF THE DEAD (1979), STARSHIP TROOPERS, THE WARRIORS, GOOD FELLAS, MAD MAX 2, LIVING IN OBLIVION and RAISING ARIZONA.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw? 

Films I've enjoyed recently, that have stuck in my brain for various reasons are TIME CRIMES, THE WOMAN, BELLE FLOWER, THE RAID, NORWEGIAN NINJA, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN and most recently PROMETHEUS.

3. What kind of music/bands have you listened lately and feel happy to suggest? 

 I love music... anything with a good beat. I haven't been listening to much recently because when I'm editing I find music a distraction. But when I'm out and hear good music it makes me realise how much I enjoy music. My favourite music is the stuff I grew up with and was into at various times of my life... which is loads. early Bowie, Soul/Funk, Hendrix, Led Zepp, good techno, Public Enemy, Portishead, Beastie Boys, drum n bass, AIR and many more.

Tänan Alex!

Foto lavastaja FB profiilist, kaader filmist Starship Troopers.

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