Saturday, April 07, 2012

Filmiküsitlus - Creep Creepersin

Haapsalu õudus- ja fantaasiafilmide festivalil linastub nn. friikidele double-feature grindhouse´i sildi all kaks Creep Creepersin´i creepy as shit linalugu Vaginal Holocaust ja Caged Lesbos A-Go-Go. Uurisin lavastajalt, et mis sorti kino ta ise eelistab ning millise muusika peale jalg tatsuma hakkab.

Nimi: Creep Creepersin
IMDb: Creep Creepersin
Wiki: Creep Creepersin
Bänd: Creepersin
Koduleht: Creep Creepersin
FaceBook: Creep Creepersin

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies have impressed you deeply?

I have always loved horror films. The classic Universal Monster films and 80's slasher films were childhood mainstays for me. As I got older though, everyone from Alfred Hitchcock to David Lynch and Ed Wood to John Waters have really spoken to me. The original Funny Games was the first film I saw that made me say "I have to make films" though.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

Recently, as silly as this sounds, I saw a film that I hadn't seem since it scared me as a child and back then I didn't understand it at all but Invasion of the Bee Girls I just watched not too long ago as was amazed at how good it really was.

3. What kind of music/bands have you listened lately and feel happy to suggest?

Creepersin of course! Lol. We are recording a new album right now that is really a lot harder and faster than anything we've done and we are having a lot of fun with it. But as far as other stuff, I've been listening to a lot if The Cramps lately. 13 Tombs from Scotland are amazing. Die Monster Die, captain Blood, The Ugly, Truckasaurus, Skrillex, The Stooges... That list can go on forever!

Tänan Creep!

Kaader filmist Invasion of the Bee Girls.


  1. 1997 - ajastu kus enamus ei teadnud peast sõna "spoiler" tähendust. Ainuke viis saada spoilerit oli rääkida juba varem seda filmi näinud sõbraga.

    Anyway, pikk jutt lühidalt, esimene "Funny games" oli film mida vaadates ma lubasin endale, et see on viimane Michael Haneke'se film mida ma vaatan.

  2. Ma ei ole seda kusjuures siiani vaadanud. Samas nagu plaanis oleks seda ikka kunagi vaadata. Kas see oli häiriv või lihtsalt halb?

  3. Häiriv, selline mõnus mahlakas "Fuck You" otse vaatajale kolmnurka.

  4. Funny Games sul nägemata Ops? Mina jälle sinu juures Männiku teel vaatasin, aga järsku tõesti öösel kui pererahvas juba magas.

  5. funny games saadab vaataja jah siiralt sygavale perse -- aga t2pselt seda me vahel enda mugavuses vast vajamegi

  6. Peaks tegelikult uusversiooni samuti ära vaatama. Aga millal millal???!!!
