Friday, June 17, 2011

The Smiths - Charming Men

The Smiths - Charming Men TV Compilation 1983-1987

Part One (37'19")

01. This Charming Man - Top of the Pops 24/11/83
02. This Charming Man - original video taped for The Tube with "London" version 04/11/83
03. What Difference Does It Make? - Top of the Pops (hearing aid only) 26/01/84
04. What Difference Does It Make? - Top of the Pops (hearing aid + glasses) 09/02/84
05. What Difference Does It Make? - Oxford Road Show 10/02/84
06. Hand In Glove (live) - The Tube 16/03/84
07. Still Ill (live) - The Tube 16/03/84
08. Barbarism Begins At Home (live) - The Tube 16/03/84
09. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - Earsay 31/03/84
10. interview + Still Ill (soundcheck excerpt) + This Charming Man (acoustic) + Hand In Glove (soundcheck excerpt) - Datarun 07/04/84

Part Two (30'31")

01. Girl Afraid (live at the El Dorado, Paris 09/05/84) - Les Enfants du Rock (French TV) 18/05/84
02. interview with Morrissey & Marr - Les Enfants du Rock 18/05/84
03. Still Ill (live at the El Dorado, Paris 09/05/84) - Les Enfants du Rock 18/05/84
04. Barbarism Begins At Home (live at the El Dorado, Paris 09/05/84) - Les Enfants du Rock 18/05/84
05. What Difference Does It Make? - Pop Elektron (Belgian TV) 18/03/84
06. interview with Morrissey & Marr - Pop Elektron 18/03/84
07. The making of Meat Is Murder - Old Grey Whistle Test 12/02/85

Part Three (52'12")

01. "Morrissey in conversation" (31'45" minutes) after the release of "Strangeways, Here We Come" - 20/11/87
02. 20'38" interview with Johnny Marr during the recording sessions for "Strangeways, Here We Come" at the Wool Hall in Bath - Spring 1987

Part Four

01. excerpts of live performances of The Queen Is Dead - Panic - Ask - The Boy With The Thorn In His Side - compiled around the time of the release of "Rank" from bootleg video recordings - poor quality - 6'10"

Part Five

01. Morrissey discussing single word topics presented in sealed envelopes (1985) - The Cutting Edge (MTV USA - black & white - incomplete - 6'25" out of 60 minutes)


01. Panic (promo video interspersed with live footage)
02. Ask (promo video interspersed with live footage)
03. The Boy With The Thorn In His Side - Top of the Pops 10/10/85
04. How Soon Is Now? - US promo video
05. Shoplifters of the World Unite - Top of the Pops 05/02/87
06. Sheila Take A Bow - Top of the Pops 23/04/87
all of the above from "The Complete Picture"
07. The making of Meat Is Murder - Old Grey Whistle Test 12/02/85
08. How Soon Is Now? - Top of the Pops 14/02/85
09. Morrissey interview - Pebble Mill At One 21/02/85
10. Shakespeare's Sister - Oxford Road Show 22/02/85
11. The Headmaster Ritual - Oxford Road Show 22/02/85
12. Morrissey "Back to The Old School" - Oxford Road Show 22/03/85
13. Morrissey interview & "Meat Is Murder" video & "Barbarism Begins At Home" excerpt from The Tube '84 & astrologer analyzing Morrissey - Studio One (ITV) 24/05/85 (15 minutes)
14. Morrissey interview & excerpts of "The Boy With The Thorn In His Side", "Meat Is Murder" and "Shakespeare's Sister (soundcheck)" & "Hand In Glove" (complete) live at Barrowlands, Glasgow 25/09/85 - The Tube 25/10/85
15. Bigmouth Strikes Again (live) - Whistle Test 20/05/86
16. Vicar In A Tutu (live - beginning cut) - Whistle Test 20/05/86
17. There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - EuroTube 05/07/86
18. Panic - EuroTube 05/07/86
19. Johnny Marr interview from a feature on the Red Wedge movement - Eleventh Hour 01/10/86
20. Ask ('Rank' live version with bootleg video footage)
21. Morrissey interviewing playwright Shaun Duggan & "Shoplifters of The World Unite" clip - The Tube 23/01/87
22. Shoplifters of The World Unite - Megamix (Irish TV) 13/02/87
23. Sheila Take A Bow (live) - The Tube 10/04/87
24. Shoplifters of The World Unite (live) - The Tube 10/04/87
25. Johnny Marr interview on collaborating with The The and other artists - 1987

Massiivne kogumik The Smiths´i teleesinemisi, vestlusi ning filmikatkeid. Sobilik taustaks, sest ega lõpuks need telestuudio lavashow´d üksteisest nii väga ei erine, vaatad ära mis Moz´il seljas on ja võid taas oma muude toimetustega edasi minna, hea muusika kõrval saatmas. Paar klippi sisaldas ka out-door filmitud lavastuslikke momente ning need olid väheke põnevamad. Lugude vahele pikitud ning disk nr. 1 lõpus kohe kõvasti intervjuumaterjali millest muhedam oli hetk kui Morrissey ütles, et esimesest päevast peale oli neil selge mis imidžit bänd kannab ja annab ning sellega võis nõustuda, veel aastaid hiljem olid nii bändi plaadikujundused kui mentaliteet samas vaumustavalt stiilses vaos jooksmas.

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