Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Filmiküsitlus - Pedro Gonçalves Dead Combo´st

Man with a Movie Camera on tummfilm millele mitmed tuntud nimed on oma tausta loonud. 25. veebruaril kell 19.00 Kumu Auditooriumis püüab seda oma helikeeles teha Portugali bänd Dead Combo. Nende muusikast olen ise kuulanud küll vaid esimest, westernite soundtrackile sobivat omanimelist vol. 1 ja tunnen suurt uudishimu millise kõlaga ilmestavad nad pruunikapunaste liivatoonis kauboifilmide asemel mustvalget hüpleva montaažiga sovjeti avangardkino. Paari nädala pärast toimuva filmiõhtu ja kontserdi kohta saab rohkem infot ürituse "Tummfilmid tõstavad häält" FaceBook´i lehelt ja teiste minifestivalil linastuvate teoste ning neid saatvate muusikute kohta leiab siit. Jään kolme kuti esinemist ootama.

Name: Pedro Gonçalves
Band: Dead Combo
MySpace: Dead Combo
Homepage: Dead Combo

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies have impressed you deeply?

 My favorite movies are the one's that somehow make me think and hopefully change the way I feel and think about the world. There is not a "style" that can fit this because it can be a drama, documentary or a action movie The last movies that I watched that touched me deeply were "Somewhere" by Sofia Coppola and "Lemmy" a documentary about Lemmy Kilmister the Motorhead singer.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

 I think it was "The Secret of the Grain" by Abdellatif Kechiche. A film with a huge sense of humanity.

3. What kind of music have you listened to lately and feel happy to suggest?

 I listen to all kinds of music really, so it's kind of hard to decide.... One of my top albums ever is the Glenn Gould 1981 recording of J.S.Bach Goldberg Variations, it's always playing in my house. Recently I also heard the latest PJ Harvey, "Let England Shake" that's coming out soon and it's amazing. And i really love "Pata Lenta" by portuguese guitar player Norberto Lobo. So many other records could be named....

Thank you  Pedro!
Kaader filmist The Secret Of The Grain!

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