Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Filmiküsitlus - Tom Six

HÕFF-i eri.

Tom Six´i film The Human Cantipede on üks minu kindlaid valikuid Haapsalu Õudus- ja Fantaasiafilmide Festival´il , on ju bodyhorrori imepisikene alažanr alati nii oodatud harv külaline, et tuleb kasutada igat võimalust sellega tutvust teha. Väheke aimu filmis toimuvast saate, kui heidate pilgu neile visanditele.

Name: Tom Six
Movies: Gay In Amsterdam, Honeyz, I Love Dries, The Human Centipede (First Sequence) and working now on The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)
IMDb: Tom Six

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies
have impressed you deeply?

I truly love the film La grande bouffe directed by Marco Ferreri. It has a very good basic story idea and especially for that time it was pretty controversial. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom directed by Pasolini is the most disturbing film I have ever seen. It is pure art, has no boundaries and shows mankinds darkest sides. A film I also really like is the Idiots directed by Lars von trier what is for me great radical
and raw filmmaking.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

The last memorable film I saw is Antichrist also by lars von trier. It is daring, got great acting and some unforgettable images.

3. What artists/performers have impressed you lately or who are your favourite

I am a real lover of great music from the 80's (simple minds, bryan ferry rolling stones, etc)

4. What kind of music have you listened to lately or feel happy to suggest?

I suggest listening to the soundtrack of the film Gladiator. I think the music is larger than life.

Tänan Tom ja Ilona!
Kaader filmist Antichrist.


  1. Human Centipede. Ühes Soome filmiblogis kirjutati, et see film jätab sita maitse suhu. Hõõ! Tea, kas julgebki vaadata. Igatahes,'is on treiler juba üleval.

  2. Näeb rohkem välja kui überperverssne porr kui õudus...

  3. Seda sita maitset suhu juttu on hea öelda, kui film tõesti sitt oli aga ka niisama sõnamänguna. Igal juhul jään ootama, ainuke mure, et järsku tehakse filmis vaid 1 inimsajajalg ja muid kümneid friike ei näidatagi.

  4. Überperversne porr on ju ka mõnus!
