Monday, April 19, 2010

Filmiküsitlus - Mike Davis

HÕFF-i eri.

Jah, Mike Davis on see tüüp kelle stsenaariumi järgselt valmis suurepärane Russ Meyer´ile austusavaldusena lavastatud suuri tisse ja verejanulisi riistu tutvustav õuduskomöödia Pervert!. Seda käis ta aastaid tagasi Soomes Night Visions´il reklaamimas ning ei jätnud kasutamata võimalust päevaks üle lahe tulla, istus kiirlaeva ja oli juba kaks tundi hiljem Stereo baaris absinti mekkimas. Lubas meilis veel Eestisse tagasi tulla ning mind, juhul kui peaksin Inglitelinna sattuma, viia kõige vingematesse psühhedeeliamussi pakkuvatesse baaridesse, sest valdav osa tema lemmikmuusikast on pärit kuuekümnendate lõpust.

Name: Mike Davis
Movie: : Sex Galaxy
IMDb: Mike Davis

1. What movies and what kind of movies are you favorite ever? What movies have impressed you deeply?

I fell in love with cult films at an early age, particularly the work of Russ Meyer, John Waters, Herschell Gordon Lewis and Roger Corman. But I also love classic directors like Stanley Kubrick, Hitchcock and Felini. I consider my tastes to be highly discerning and I make no distinction between quality art and trash. Some movies that have had a profound effect on me are Planet of the Apes, Midnight Cowboy, Once Upon A Time in the West, Vixen!, Spinal Tap, Goodfellas, Big Lebowski and Malibu High.

2. What was the last memorable movie you saw?

"F for Fake" is the final movie made by Orson Welles. It's a weird and wonderful documentary about an art forger, but the whole film is is a mad forgery of itself and its director. I especially love the editing.

3. What artists/performers have impressed you lately or who are your favourite artist/performers/bands?

I am never ceased to be amazed by James Brown. To me, he is the Einstein of 20th Century music and the greatest performer of all time. I just watched the newly issued DVD of "The TAMI Show" from 1965 and it blew me away. It's fun to go on Youtube and watch his performances through the years to see how he evolved and created new musical genres as he went.

4. What kind of music have you listened to lately or feel happy to suggest?

I like The Lords of Altamont, a band from Los Angeles who are inspired by 60's biker films. I wrote a screenplay about a vicious, grave-robbing motorcycle gang and my dream is for them to do the soundtrack. I also recommend the heavy, funky instrumental sounds of Mr. Chop from the UK, who performs on the Sex Galaxy soundtrack.

Tänan Mike!
Erica Gavin filmis Vixen!

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