Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tanita Tikaram - Ancient Heart

Tanita Tikaram - Ancient Heart Live 1989

1. Cathedral Song
2. World Outside Your Window
3. Twist In My Sobriety
4. Thursday's Child
5. Once and Not Speak
6. Little Sister Leaving Town
7. Sighing Innocents
8. Poor Cow
9. Valentine Heart
10.Cathedral Song
11.He Likes The Sun
12.Good Tradition
13.Preyed Upon
14.For All These Years

Hea tundega kontsert. Linti võetud Norras Bomlo saarel ühel suve päikesepaistelisel pärastlõunal ning tänu sellele hoopis helgemas toonis kui tavaliselt õhtuhämaruses toimuvad staarishowd. Noor Tanita nägi kena armas välja, õhkond oli intiimne, südamlik ning kaasaelav. Esitati vaid häid ja väga häid lugusid, ehk siis esimeselt ja teiselt albumimilt, vahele ka paar intervjuukatket.


  1. Hey tanita, what happened to you after your second album ?? did you drop off the table of music companies ?

    I only listened to your first album which was great!!!

    come back on our telly in uk pls.

    i used to listen to u at uni.
    mrs khan, sheffield

  2. Fourth album "Eleven Kinds of Loneliness" was also OK IMO. Not great but nice.
