Saturday, October 18, 2008

The History Of Depeche Mode Bonus DVD Vol.1

01. Depeche Mode Week End - VH1 Depeche Mode Week End
Leave In Silence (Video)
02. Depeche Mode Week End - VH1 Depeche Mode Week End
Get The Balance Right (Video)
03. Depeche Mode Week End - VH1 Depeche Mode Week End
See You (Video)
04. Paris Premiere "British" - Paris Premiere
05. People Are People - ("TOTP" BBC)
06. Master And Servant (M6 Music Top Culte
07. Interview D.Gahan + A.Wilder May 1986
08. Stripped - PETER's Pop Show
09. A Question Of Lust (M6 Music Top Culte)
10. Interview A.Fletcher & M.Gore - (TV News Antenne 2)
11. Strangelove (M6 Music Top Culte)
12. New York Madison Square Garden (Canal + "Le Plein de Super)
13. Interview M.Gore & A.Fletcher M6 - Nouba M6 Alain Gardinier I Feel You (Video Clip)
14. TOP Albums (Canal+ Bruno Solo)
15. Walking In My Shoes (Concert Projection)
16. Video Montage (It's No Good Live Sound)
17. A Question Of Lust (Concert Projection - The Singles Tour)
18. Interview Dave Gahan - Virgin Mega (Images Zenith de Paris)

Kogumiksarja kõige parem plaat kus peal DM´i muusikatop Violator´i ajast ning samas ka silmale rõõmuks vanad varjujäänud videod lugudele Leave In Silence ja Get The Balance Right. Kvaliteetne pilt, huvitavad intervjuud ja vahvad koomilised videomontaažid mis kontserdite ajal ekraanitelt näidatakse. Tõeliselt hea kogumik muusikat ja videot.
Üks mu lemmikbiise Depeche Mode´ilt.

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