Thursday, May 29, 2008


Caddyshack - Harold Ramis 1980

Laenasin töökaaslasele Fletch´i vaadata ja tüüp rääkis järgmine päev, et maailma kõige igavam pullitamine üldse. Tüübi naine olevat filmi peale lausa haiglaravi vajava psühhotrauma saanud, et sellist sitta tehakse aga poiss ise oli ikka enam-vähem tervise juures, kuigi väitis, et põeb nüüd kerget depressiooni ja usk kaheksakümnendate komöödiatesse on täiesti kadunud. No aru ma ei saa, jumala lahe komöödia oli ju, milleks selline suhtumine. Kahtlustasin huumorivaegust ja naljasoone puudumist aga eile õhtul vaadatud Caddyshack pani mõtted teisiti jooksma. Seda golfimängijatest pajatavat filmi olid mulle paljud kiitnud ja üks netituttav isegi väitis, et vaatab aastas vähemalt korra. Vaatasin siis minagi ja täielik pettumus. Ei leidnud ma peale paari veidra koha mingit teravmeelset screwball-komöödiat vaid täiesti suvalise tolatsemise. Bill Murray oli muidugi lahe nagu ikka, kuigi veits liiga ülemängitud ja ka Chevy Chase´i ning Rodney Dangerfield´i karakterid särasid. Kõik nende ümber ehitatu oli aga mõningasest adult-teemast hoolimata liiga pehme, liiga talitsetud. Vaatasin mõned minutid lisade hulgas olevat "Making of..." dokki ja seal mainiti, et tegu on golfimängijate lemmikfilmiga. No võib-olla jäi siis see golfiteema liiga kaugeks ja ma mitte ei pea kartma töökaaslase perekonda tabanud viirust mis blokeerib huumorimeele. 1,5/5
Murray võitleb vesirotiga, no ei olnud naljakas, ei olnud!


  1. Iidamast ammu sakslaste telekanalitelt ära nähtud Caddyshack sisaldas vähemalt ühte pööraselt vaimukana mäletatavat nalja.

    Kahjuks olen ma unustanud, mis see oli.

    Tsiteerides Family Guy'd: "How does Chevy Chase keep getting work?"

  2. 3/10? Are you high?

    This is one of the best comedies ever made, with awesome dialogue.

    Big hitter, the Dali Lama.

    Come on, Trash. Be the ball.

  3. It had 2-4 fair jokes, but everything else was lame. You yanks have nostalgic feel into it, but for me it was just one boring unfunny comedy.

    PS. And I dont play golf.

  4. PS. this was recommended to me by few american men of your age, who were diehard fans of the movie. I think its purely US thing, dont even think europeans in general like it.

  5. Let's see dear Instructor how funny do you see movies like "Kevade", "Noor pensionär", "Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse", "Mehed ei nuta", "Suvitajad" etc. I'm betting my left ball that you don't get them at all, it's an estonian thing as your Caddyshacks are an american thing.
    For example, in my honest opinion new Galactica is boring like hell, I don't get what you see in it. And I refuse to watch any comic-based movie with a "-man" at the end. Super, spider or bat, they all suck, deeply and irreversibly.


  6. No veel hullem oleks kui keegi sloveen nõuaks, et tema lapsepõlvelemmikkomöödia a´la nimega Sliricho svesjda peaks sind naerukrampidesse ajama. Öäk!

  7. What we all have to realise is that we are all different in terms of humor. Every country has its own sense of whats funny and what isn't. I've seen french comedies i thought were dead dumb but are super mega hits there.I don't get it personally but it comes down to all senses of whats funny, are different.

    I personally think caddyshack is fantastic. IMO, America has 3 comedies tha tstand out far above the rest and always will. Airplane, Caddyshack and Animal House. Obviously i'm American so i loved all of these titles. Airplane is quick humor w/ site gags where as animal house is total chaos and physical humor. Caddyshack comes in on both territories. To me it's a very smart comedy with quick sharp dialogue(provided by ted knight & chevy chase) and has great physical humor.

    In short, if you wanna see what america laughs at or what american humor is about...see the 3 titles mentioned above.IMO, you might see why we are, the way we are :D Blog canD

  8. Airplane is also one of my favorites, but I think I have to watch Animal House again. Saw it fairly 10-12 years ago and dont remember much about it. :)

  9. I think at the next sci-fi meeting, we should reenact the "I'm a zit; get it?" scene from Animal House. Well, maybe not.

    Yes, I guess I see it's American humor. A book my ex-girlfriend had described Americans as permanent adolescents, so I guess this fits in the mold. "Dumb and Dumber"? Laughed my fraking head off.

    Yes, the movie has aged, but it wounds me it would get less than a 5 from Trash. I would think the gopher battle would be enough. Rodney Dangerfield - just watch his clips on Youtube. Chevy Chase was huge in that era. His impressions of President Gerald Ford are one of the things pointed to in his narrow loss to Jimmy Carter in 1976.

    Lauri, I haven't seen any movies that you have mentioned. I guess the last Estonian comedy I've seen is "Malev", which I hated when I saw, but then couldn't stop thinking about it for days. It had a Monty Python layer, and hinted at some really funny things about Estonian culture. I almost burst my stomach when they gave subtitles to the Saaremaa speakers.

    Also, in terms of Battlestar Galactica, sci-fi TV works best as a setting for a story, not a story of sci-fi.

    The first series was a lot of "pew, pew, pew!", as many sci-fi series are. This series actually is a drama, which happens to be set on an aircraft carrier in space. And they've taken it to the next level in Series 4 (the last). The last episode had 2 OMG and 1 WTF?) moments. Much better than something like Lost, IMO. And most involving PEOPLE, not fantasy machines.

  10. I would be interested in new Galactica series. You have all seasons so far?

  11. Every one. You have multi-regional DVD player, or want .avi?

    Most of my BSG DVDs are from the States, because they have more special features.

  12. Multiregional and DVD-s are just fine. I hope we can work out something, maybe you can give them to OPs if you still see him at school. :)

  13. Hakkasin just vaatama. :')

  14. Eks kriba kohe paar lauset oma blogisse kui läbi saad.

  15. I agree with you
